Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Person I Want To Be

As I sat down yesterday, determined to start and finish my blog entry, a mental breakdown ensued. Writer’s block at its finest. I searched and scrambled through my notebook, certain I could find something that I could write about. And, to my dismay, I found nothing. I calmly told myself that everything would be okay, that something would pop into my head…the usual pep talk. After going to bed without writing a word, I felt defeated. As I walked into Ms. Serensky’s room this Halloween morning, I remembered my failure yesterday, and how disappointed she would be in me. My eyes automatically lingered above her head to her quote, written in neat blue letters. It read, “Never mind searching for who you are. Search for the person you aspire to be. – Robert Brault.” It was as if Ms. Serensky felt my pain and suffering and decided to put a quote on the board that I could write about for years. It pertained to my life, and better yet, it pertained to this very week. As many of my peers know, I aspire to dance for the rest of my life. I want to own a dance studio and ignite the passion in young dancers as my teachers did me. It’s my dream. I want to be a dancer. I want to be a dance instructor. The common reaction when I tell adults my aspiration remains a big, fake smile and a wimpy, “good luck!” But, I know I can do it. I searched for who I want to be, and I found it. Therefore, tomorrow morning, I will rise and shine many hours before the sun will rise and drive to Columbia, South Carolina, where I will audition to become a dance major at the University of South Carolina. I am not going to find out what kind of person I am, I am going to become the person I want to be.