Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Just Do It

You want to be a scholar? I congratulate you, and feel pretty bad for you at the same time. Sorry, I’m being honest. Please carefully read the following 10 steps. Let me help you receive a decent grade and make it out of there alive.

1.       Listen to everything Ms. Serensky tells you. She will remind you of this statement numerous times throughout your English career, but actually do it. If you follow her lead, you will reach success.

2.       Make sure you possess self-confidence. You will spend almost every single day of AP English discussing the events that transpired in your reading the previous night. And yes, you have to talk.

3.       Annotate your reading. Yes, I understand it sucks. I understand it kind of ruins the pleasure of reading. But you want to survive, don’t you?

4.       Learn how to perform under pressure. There’s never a dull moment in the ice cold classroom. (Bring a sweatshirt) It spans from writing essays, to speed dating worksheets, to stressful data sheets. Everything you do in AP English will bring you stress. You will just have to get used to it.

5.       Actually memorize every last detail of the literary devices you will receive. Do not think you can get away with doing the bare minimum with anything you do in English. You will use those particular literary devices and terms for the next two years of your life. And you will sound smarter if you use a bunch of different ones in your essay examples! Winner!

6.       Just do not ask questions. Wait and ask one of your smarter friends.

7.       Do not forget anything. Pens, pencils, books, binder, notes, and your brain. Also, do not forget to use the restroom before class. You cannot escape the room once you have entered.

8.       Do not miss school. Just go through the torture with everyone else instead of receiving a larger work load to do by yourself out of class.

9.       No matter who your writing partner is, make sure you keep them in your best interest. You will be getting rather close with them and enduring the pain right along with them. Remember, you have a 642034 point data sheet to do with them.

10.   Try to possess a positive attitude. I will be the first one to tell you that AP English is not the best part of your day. But it not only made me a stronger writer, but it made me a stronger person. Stick with it till the end. Never give up. Good luck.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

It's Hard To Always Win

I love pulling into school in the morning. I just love it. Witnessing the morning sun shining against my name and my accomplishment for the whole world to see. Girls in Science National Grand Prize Winner. Aww yeah. That’s me. What a great start to my day. As I walk from AP class to AP class, I know that everyone knows who I am. I am the winner. My name is displayed. I know that some people feel intimidated by my intelligence, but I try my best to be humble. I mean, I have only taken 57 AP classes and only got a 49 on my ACT. I could have done better, tried harder. I need to make sure I involve myself in more extracurricular actives. What do I do today? Hmm. Well right after school I need to go volunteer at the botanical gardens and make sure all the plants are in perfect condition. No worries, the science guru can help any withering flower. Once I am done there, I need to race (under 30 miles per hour) to the barn. Trotting around an excited white ribbon horse is a breeze for this horse whisperer. What time is it? 5:30 already?! Henry can’t be alone during the dinner hour. I rush over to my night job as a busser and help Henry clean tables. Our teamwork is unstoppable. Barker and I hold the national title for fastest bussed table in the country. Yeah, it’s whatever. After the restaurant is spotless, I head home to study. After I finish my 9.5 hours of homework, I write a 6 page persuasive essay on why the biodegradable mechanisms of trash bags are faulty. Hopefully it will win me another national title.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Wannabe Southern Belle

I already made the mistake of doing it once, and I will not do it again. When my mother and I endured the 15 hour road trip down to Tuscaloosa, Alabama for the University of Alabama PanHellenic Preview Weekend, we did not know what we were getting ourselves into. I, along with 1,500 other anxious girls attending Bama next fall, watched a fashion show explaining each detail of what we should wear during rush, heard about the 16 recommendation letters we need, and toured all the sorority houses. As I placed my name tag around my neck at the beginning of the day, I did not know why I selected my real name. REBECCA BLACK. Although it served as a decent conversation starter, some people thought I lied. “Your name is Rebecca Black?!? Oh my God, no its not! Hahah Friday Friday!!” And…I was sung to the rest of the day. So for starters, I do not want to be known as THE Rebecca Black. We’re going to stick to Becky. I can’t endure mocking renditions of the hit song “Friday.” No way, no how. Furthermore, I want to stay true to who I am and let the people I meet see my true personality. I have heard from several sources about how rush this fall will easily be the most stressful event of my college career. Endless interviews, socials, parties, and judgment. I mean, The University of Alabama has the largest Greek Organization in the country. It’s cut-throat man. And although I truly want to be a southern belle with a thick southern accent, (and will be that girl one day) I need to remember where I came from and how I became the person I am today. I want to be viewed as the strong individual that I am. Full of confidence and always (well, usually) a great person to be around. I want people to understand and appreciate my blunt personality along with my usually inappropriate, yet funny, sense of humor. I hope that I can find classmates who take me for who I am and help me reach my full potential. I want to be viewed as someone who cares about others and wants the best for herself and everyone who she comes in contact with. But all in all, I know one thing for sure. I do not want to be known as THE Rebecca Black. I don’t even like Fridays that much.