Wednesday, April 17, 2013

It's Hard To Always Win

I love pulling into school in the morning. I just love it. Witnessing the morning sun shining against my name and my accomplishment for the whole world to see. Girls in Science National Grand Prize Winner. Aww yeah. That’s me. What a great start to my day. As I walk from AP class to AP class, I know that everyone knows who I am. I am the winner. My name is displayed. I know that some people feel intimidated by my intelligence, but I try my best to be humble. I mean, I have only taken 57 AP classes and only got a 49 on my ACT. I could have done better, tried harder. I need to make sure I involve myself in more extracurricular actives. What do I do today? Hmm. Well right after school I need to go volunteer at the botanical gardens and make sure all the plants are in perfect condition. No worries, the science guru can help any withering flower. Once I am done there, I need to race (under 30 miles per hour) to the barn. Trotting around an excited white ribbon horse is a breeze for this horse whisperer. What time is it? 5:30 already?! Henry can’t be alone during the dinner hour. I rush over to my night job as a busser and help Henry clean tables. Our teamwork is unstoppable. Barker and I hold the national title for fastest bussed table in the country. Yeah, it’s whatever. After the restaurant is spotless, I head home to study. After I finish my 9.5 hours of homework, I write a 6 page persuasive essay on why the biodegradable mechanisms of trash bags are faulty. Hopefully it will win me another national title.

1 comment:

  1. Of all the sarcasm and exaggerations in this blog, the aspect that really bothers me is the ribbon color. White ribbons stand for fourth place, which should not bother me, since I do not even know the whole ribbon color order. That might come from some upsetting horse show results though... But I really liked this blog, Becky! I thought it was funny and clever, however, I really hope no one actually sees me like this...
